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Friday, April 23, 2010

Welcome to our APTi Theory Interest Area Blog

Please share comments, observations, research "ponderings", ideas. Feel free to comment on blog postings and connect with your ideas on how to explore and enrich psychological type theory and research.



  1. Hi Roger.

    My area of interest/focus is Type Dynamics. My foundational approach is about 70% Type and 30% Temperament.

    Since obtaining MBTI certification in 2008, I have been diligently working on my own understanding & refinement of Type Dynamics with a particular emphasis/focus on mental-health & counseling applications (although I am not a licensed mental-health professional myself).

    My goal is to develop a series of theory-intensive workshops geared exclusively to mental-health professionals (who are likely already qualified [de-facto] to use the MBTI instrument, but may be lacking some of the details or even some fundamentals).

    Would you be interested in providing some occasional review/critique on various parts of my 'spin' on Type Dynamics? I have been working in a vacuum too long, and it is time for some outside objectivity so that I can start putting the final spit-n-polish on my presentations.

    My preferences are INTP, so I may tend to write in a more technically precise (almost hair-splitting) way, but my actual verbal presentation style is more down-to-earth.
